Spirituality Tap-In Meeting

Spirituality Tap-In

What is Spirituality Tap-in? It’s a chance for you to learn, grow and connect with fellow Catholics, all in a relaxed atmosphere! Each event features a speaker who addresses a religious topic. You’ll also learn more about Catholic Order of Foresters and the impact we have on local communities like yours. Ages 21+, please. There’s no cost to you to attend. Space is limited, so reserve your spot below. We look forward to seeing you at one of our events!

Stay tuned for upcoming Tap-in details!

Spirituality Tap-in Registration

Note: One person per registration form. Please do not use the same email address for different people. If you have questions, please feel free to contact the Agent named above or the COF Home Office at 800-552-0145.

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Are you a COF member?*
I understand that photos and videos may be taken of me during the event. I understand COF may use the photos and video in Catholic Forester magazine, the company website, social media and other promotional materials. Selecting “yes” constitutes permission for this use.*